In my opinion, the most pressing global environmental issue facing us today is disposal of the waste created by populations. Our fast paced lives have led to the creation of more and more disposable, single-use products. Unfortunately, these are the products that are filling our landfills. As the populations of our planet continue to accumulate waste, we have begun to feel the affect in the shortage of where to dispose of these wastes, resulting in solutions such as shipping the waste to less developed countries. Another concern is the affect all the garbage in landfills is having on the environment. Waterways are being choked with trash, chemicals are being released from products that have been buried, and our habitats and animals are being harmed as a result of this pollution to our environment. I think this is the most pressing issue because it is an issue overshadowed by others, which, in the future, will be disastrous to all living creatures if not addressed now. People need to think about the amount of waste they create and the effect it will have on the environment and future generations of the global population.
If a wealthy benefactor gave me $100 billion to address a global problem of my choice, as important as proper waste disposal is, I would spend a portion of the money on developing better ways to dispose of these wastes, but would educate and constantly remind people of the necessity to create less waste. I feel that creating less waste will, ultimately, be what reduces this problem. Another issue that I would like to see addressed is the high cost it takes to become “green”. Going “green” is strongly encouraged in many aspects of our lives, from the types of products we use in our homes to the way we run our offices, but the costs often prohibit us from choosing to take these steps. I would like to change this by making products more attainable for everyone. Some possibilities would be to provide funds to the companies producing these products to cover their costs so they would not have to pass this on to the consumer. Another would be to set up a grant program for businesses to use on the initial changes needed to become “green”. These things would help us take the needed steps in solving the pressing environmental issues.